Industrial Painting / Protective Coatings

Our primary business is industrial painting and we have been doing this throughout the UK since 1993

Industrial Painting / Protective Coatings

Hy Spec Services primary business is industrial painting. We have been applying protective coatings to structures throughout the UK since we were founded in 1993. Hy Spec applies various paint systems, for a wide range of environments, from steelwork to tanks as well as other materials for public or private clients throughout the UK. We use the latest paint technology, including paint systems newly apprioved by the Department of Transport and Network Rail. We also regularly trial different paint systems including glass epoxy paint and durable moisure cured paitn which lasts up to 30 years. We can also provide advise and undertake inspections as detailed below and above on any structure.

The protective coatings are suitable for steel work, timber and contrete which is guaranteed for durability. This can be applied as rust proofing, anti-graffiti coating or fire proof coating. Paint systems can be hand or spray applied. 
